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2 posts tagged with "security"

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ยท 3 min read
Ekene Eze

A few months ago we announced the Login with Collab.Land Flow. An effort that allows Collab.Land developers to securely authenticate users and gain access to their Collab.Land resources. By registering a client application through the developer portal, developers can obtain credentials that enable them to interact with the Collab.Land API on behalf of authenticated users.

This has been very well received with many adoption instances and use cases emerging within our online communities. For community administrators, this represents a great opportunity to create online resources exclusively accessible to their community members, all without the need for extensive development work.

The success of this feature and the requests from our developers have led us to an exciting decision: we are now making this functionality available for miniapps as well. This means that miniapp developers can prompt Discord users to grant authorization for accessing their data, such as connected wallets and profiles.

๐Ÿ’ก If you've ever envisioned building a miniapp that relies on users granting access to their wallet addresses, this feature now makes it a reality.

How it worksโ€‹

Collab.Land miniapps are built using Collab Actions, which are pre-built templates designed to streamline the miniapp creation process. These templates come with essential functionalities like signature verification built-in. The hello-action example serves as a prime example of how Collab Actions operate.

When you run the Action locally, users can execute a slash command and provide a name as a parameter. The Action sends this provided name to Collab.Land, which processes the request and responds with a greeting.

What we've done to enhance this flow is to introduce an additional step that enables you (the developer) to request user authorization for data access. To implement this feature, we've added two functions behind the scenes: one to request user permission and another to construct the modal for user authorization.

The requestUserPermissions function is responsible for requesting user permission to access their data:

async requestUserPermissions(
request: DiscordActionRequest<APIChatInputApplicationCommandInteraction>,
permissions: string[],
) {
const metadata = await this.getMetadata();
if (metadata.manifest.clientId == null) {
throw new HttpErrors.BadRequest(`Missing clientId in manifest`);
const msg = this.buildUserPermissionMessage(,

return this.followupMessage(request, msg);

This function takes a DiscordActionRequest object and an array of permissions that you wish to request from the user. It then constructs a message requesting permission and returns it using the followupMessage function.

The second function, buildUserPermissionMessage, creates the modal that solicits user authorization. It takes the request ID, your miniapp's client ID, and an array of permissions you want to request from the user:

interactionId: string,
clientId: string,
scopes: string[],
) {
const builder = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Request user permissions')
value: clientId,
value: scopes.join(' '),
`Action ${clientId} requires the following permissions:\n` + => `- **${p}**`).join('\n'),
const row =
new ActionRowBuilder<MessageActionRowComponentBuilder>().addComponents(
new ButtonBuilder()
name: 'โœ…',
new ButtonBuilder()
name: 'โŒ',
const msg: RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody = {
embeds: [builder.toJSON()],
components: [row.toJSON()],
return msg;

The modal contains a message explaining what data you want access to. Once the user grants permission, you can use the Collab.Land API to access their data and build your miniapp accordingly.

All of this functionality is already integrated into the hello-action example repository, ready for you to clone and explore as you see fit. With these recent updates, you can now create miniapps that offer user-specific interactions, access user profiles, connected wallets, and communities.

Get started from the repo here.

ยท 8 min read
Ekene Eze

Security is a top priority for us here at Collab.Land. We not only ensure the safety of our members and admins but also take great care in securing the connections and data shared by developers through our APIs. One essential aspect of this security is signature verification. Today, we'll explore the importance of signature verification and guide you through the process of implementing it in your Miniapps on Collab.Land.

Why Signature Verification Mattersโ€‹

Imagine sending a valuable package through the mail. To ensure it arrives intact and untampered with, you'd use a sealed envelope. In the digital world, that envelope is a digital signature. It guarantees the authenticity and integrity of your data in an environment where anyone can intercept and manipulate it if not properly secured.

Digital signatures involve two fundamental operations:

  1. Signing: Using a private key to produce a digital signature for raw data.
  2. Verification: Using a public key to confirm the authenticity and integrity of data against the received raw data.

Web2 and Web3 technologies heavily rely on digital signatures to preserve data integrity and protection, but they serve slightly different purposes.

Web2: Data Integrity and Securityโ€‹

In Web2, digital signatures are commonly used to verify data integrity and secure open API endpoints from common denial-of-service attacks. They provide integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. We see this commonly used in email authentication, WhatsApp, Imessage, etc where a digital signature is used to verify the sender's identity and ensure the data's integrity.

Web3: Everyday Transactionsโ€‹

In Web3, digital signatures are everywhere, they are used for signing transactions, messages, and verifying wallet ownership. For instance, Collab.Land uses your wallet's digital signature to verify your wallet address, ensuring secure connections.

How Digital Signatures Workโ€‹

Let's look at a simple flow of how digital signatures work between two parties, Alice and Bob:

  1. Alice wants to send data to Bob.
  2. Alice possesses a private key (known only to her) and a public key (visible to anyone).
  3. She signs her message with her private key and sends both the message and the signature to Bob.
  4. Bob, to verify that the message came from Alice, uses her public key to check the signature against the received message.

Digital signatures are particularly crucial when sharing data over the public internet, which can be a daunting place. If you run an exposed API server on the internet, implementing security measures becomes essential. This is where Collab.Land's API and signature verification come into play.

Defending Against DDoS Attacksโ€‹

One common threat on the internet is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In these attacks, malicious actors flood a network or server with payloads until it becomes unresponsive. To mitigate these attacks, consider:

  • Rate-limiting API calls
  • Whitelisting or blacklisting IPs
  • Implementing Digital Signature Verification Algorithms
  • Using a Web Application Firewall

Implementing Signature Verification in Miniappsโ€‹

Now, let's dive into how you can implement signature verification for your Collab.Land Miniapps:

  1. Always check for signature headers in your /interactions endpoint before processing any data.
  2. Verify the signature against Collab.Land's API public key and the received raw data. You can find Collab.Land API public keys at
  3. Only trust and process the data when the signature is successfully verified. This ensures that the data was sent by Collab.Land and can be trusted.

Hands-On with Codeโ€‹

To experiment with implementing signature verification, you can use Collab.Land's Miniapp templates. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Clone one of the Collab.Land Miniapp templates.
  2. Review the Editing Response Messages documentation to understand the expected request format.
  3. Open the .env file and set SKIP_VERIFICATION to true.
  4. Build and run the server with npm run build && npm run start.
  5. Follow the documentation to test your Miniapp in a Discord server.
  6. Send a malicious request to the server URL (ACTION URL). You'll notice that the server breaks.

Legitimate requests will fail as well, illustrating the importance of proper verification.

Protecting Your Miniappโ€‹

Collab.Land places a strong emphasis on security for miniapp developers. Here's how we ensure security:

  • Collab.Land's API always sends a digital signature in the request headers to the action URLs used by partner Miniapps.
  • We expose public keys that developers can use to verify webhook payloads.
  • We strongly recommend implementing signature verification in production to safeguard against attacks and protect user data.

Updating Your Codebase for Signature Verificationโ€‹

To implement signature verification in your codebase:

  1. Remove the SKIP_VERIFICATION variable or set it to false in the .env file.
  2. Restart the server.
  3. Resend a malicious payload. The API will respond with a denial because the signature verification headers are missing, ensuring that only requests from Collab.Land is accepted and processed.

Implementing Signature Verification in the Codeโ€‹

Collab.Land simplifies signature verification with an easy-to-use verify function. This function pulls in public keys from the /config endpoint for different environments (QA and Production). When a request hits the /interactions endpoint, the verify function runs first, checking verification headers, matching keys, and expiration.

Collab.Land supports two verification algorithms, ECDSA and ED25519, depending on the signature type. Signature verification is already baked into the Collab.Land Miniapp templates and all you need to do to enable it is set the SKIP_VERIFICATION env variable to true. However if you'd like to take a look at our implementation or roll your own, here's a sample code snippet:

Initialize the SignatureVerifier:

  static async initVerifier() {
const apiUrl = `https://api${
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "" : "-qa"
const keysResponse = await fetch(apiUrl);
const keys = await handleFetchResponse<CollabLandConfig>(
customErrorMessage: `Error in fetching config from URL: ${apiUrl}`,
SignatureVerifier.ECDSAPublicKey = keys.actionEcdsaPublicKey;
SignatureVerifier.ED25519PublicKey = Buffer.from(
debug("API URL for Collab.Land Config:", apiUrl);
debug("SingatureVerifier Initialized");

In the snippet above, we fetch the public keys from the /config endpoint and store them in the SignatureVerifier class. We also decode the ED25519 public key from base64 to hex.

Next, verify the signature:

  verify(req: Request, res: Response) {
if (!process.env.SKIP_VERIFICATION) {
try {
debug("Verifying signature...");
const ecdsaSignature = req.header(ActionEcdsaSignatureHeader);
const ed25519Signature = req.header(ActionEd25519SignatureHeader);
const signatureTimestamp: number = parseInt(
req.header(ActionSignatureTimestampHeader) ?? "0"
const body = JSON.stringify(req.body);
const signature = ecdsaSignature ?? ed25519Signature;
if (!signature) {
throw new HttpErrors[401](
`${ActionEcdsaSignatureHeader} or ${ActionEd25519SignatureHeader} header is required`
const signatureType =
signature === ecdsaSignature ? "ecdsa" : "ed25519";
const publicKey = this.getPublicKey(signatureType);
if (!publicKey) {
throw new HttpErrors[401](`Public key is not set.`);
return true;
} catch (err) {
if (HttpErrors.isHttpError(err)) {
message: err.message,
return false;
} else {
message: "Unauthorized",
return false;
} else {
return true;

In the snippet above, we check if the SKIP_VERIFICATION env variable is set to true. If it is, we skip the verification process and return true. Otherwise, we check for the signature headers and verify the signature against the public key. If the signature is valid, we return true, otherwise we return false and send an error response.

Next, we define a function to get the Collab.Land public keys:

 private getPublicKey(signatureType: "ecdsa" | "ed25519") {
return signatureType === "ecdsa"
? SignatureVerifier.ECDSAPublicKey
: SignatureVerifier.ED25519PublicKey;

In the snippet above, we return the appropriate public key based on the signature type.

Next, we define a function to verify the signature using the ED25519 algorithm:

private verifyRequestWithEd25519(
publicKey: string,
signature: string,
body: string
) {
let verified = false;
try {
debug("Verifying webhook request with Ed25519 signature...");
"Public key: %s, signature: %s, message: %s",
verified =
signature != null &&
Buffer.from(body, "utf-8"),
Buffer.from(signature, "hex"),
Buffer.from(publicKey, "hex")
debug("Signature verified: %s", verified);
} catch (err: AnyType) {
verified = false;

if (!verified) {
throw new HttpErrors[403](
"Invalid request - Ed25519 signature cannot be verified."
return verified;

In the snippet above, we verify the signature using the ED25519 algorithm. We use the nacl library to verify the signature.

Consequently, we define a function to verify the signature using the ECDSA algorithm:

 private verifyRequestWithEcdsa(
publicKey: string,
signature: string,
body: string
) {
let verified = false;
try {
debug("Verifying webhook request with Ecdsa signature...");
"Public key: %s, signature: %s, message: %s",
const digest = utils.hashMessage(body);
verified =
signature != null &&
utils.recoverPublicKey(digest, signature) === publicKey;
debug("Signature verified: %s", verified);
} catch (err) {
debug("Fail to verify signature: %O", err);
verified = false;

if (!verified) {
debug("Invalid signature: %s, body: %s", signature, body);
throw new HttpErrors[403](
"Invalid request - Ecdsa signature cannot be verified."
return verified;

Here, we verify the signature using the ECDSA algorithm. We use the ethers library to verify the signature.

Finally, we define a function to verify the request payload:

private verifyRequest(
body: string,
signatureTimestamp: number,
signature: string,
publicKey: string,
signatureType = "ecdsa"
) {
const delta = Math.abs( - signatureTimestamp);
if (delta >= 5 * 60 * 1000) {
throw new HttpErrors[403](
"Invalid request - signature timestamp is expired."
const msg = signatureTimestamp + body;
if (signatureType === "ed25519") {
this.verifyRequestWithEd25519(publicKey, signature, msg);
} else if (signatureType === "ecdsa") {
this.verifyRequestWithEcdsa(publicKey, signature, msg);
return JSON.parse(body);

In conclusion, implementing signature verification in your Collab.Land Miniapps is crucial for ensuring data security and protecting against potential threats. By following these steps and best practices, you can create a safer and more trustworthy environment for your users while building innovative Miniapps on the Collab.Land Marketplace. Happy coding and stay secure!