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Miniapps are extensions and add-ons developed by third party teams as well as built internally by Collab.Land. They enable community admins to enhance their community with new features.


The Command Center Marketplace is an extension of the Command Center that displays miniapps and add-ons developed by third party teams, and apps built internally by Collab.Land. It provides community admins with the ability to view, install, and uninstall apps to enhance their community with previously unavailable features.


View the Marketplace overview video on the Collab.Land youtube channel.

Empowering Community Admins

CollabLand's Marketplace is designed to empower community admins to unlock the full potential of their community. With an extensive collection of apps, admins can add new capabilities and features, such as complex TGRs (Role Composition) and Snapshot, that enhance their community's functionality. Additionally, the Marketplace offers a powerful tool for increasing contribution and engagement within the community with Kchannels tipping, which helps to promote participation and create a dynamic atmosphere within the community.

With the ease of updating installed apps through the Marketplace, admins can ensure their community always has access to the latest features and functionalities. If you are looking to expand your community's capabilities, this is the tool you need to get the job done.


Developers can get started by reviewing the Developer Docs or watching the How to Build a Miniapp video on the Collab.Land youtube channel.